Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The time of Surf Classic in Hawaii.

It was the age previous to the discovery of the Islands Hawaii for the famous navigator and explorer Capitan James Cook. On having approached the coasts of the one that is today Hawaii's island (Big Island), the captain was got by the local inhabitants who approached up to the ship struggling in floating objects.

The Hawaiian culture around then comprised of a family line of rulers and boss who ruled the Ali'i or normal individuals (Maka'ainana).

Origins of surfing

It is impossible to say the exact date of the first time a person slipped standing on a wave, there are no such records ... There are two thoughts about the beginning of surf:

Cultures of Micronesia and other Pacific Islands South had its cause from a life and culture intimately joined to the sea. Through local legends and stories of Western expeditions in the seventeenth century, have some evidence of the existence of the activity Slip on Waves. They did it in their canoes and fishing boats

On the other hand in northern Peru, local cultures left traces that show men riding waves. The Huacos are Pre-Inca ceramics and one of them clearly shows a man on a tree or something similar in attitude of surfing a wave. This would show that all started in South America ... But it was the Polynesians in their constant crossings between islands which, some centuries later, would lead the habit of sliding waves to places like Hawaii.